Legendary musicians!
Saturday, 2006 November 18th, 6 PM
Great Guild Hall

Martin Beaver, 1 violin Kikuei Ikeda, 2 violin Kazuhide Isomura, alto Clive Greensmith, violoncello
Riga meets again the famous ensemble featuring string quartets by Mozart, Schumann and Auerbach
The Tokyo String Quartet has captivated audiences and critics alike since it was founded almost 40 years ago. It is regarded as one of the supreme chamber music ensembles of the world.
The Quartet performs on "The Paganini Quartet", a group of renowned Stradivarius instruments named for legendary virtuoso Niccolo Paganini, who acquired and played them during the 19th century. The instruments have been on loan to the ensemble by the Nippon Music Foundation since 1995.
If the Tokyo String Quartet isn't the world's greatest chamber music ensemble, it's hard to imagine which group is.
The Washington Post